Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Training ~11 min

    • What you'll learn in this course

    • How to use this course

    • A few questions before we begin

  • 2

    Company Overview ~7 min

    • Who is EditShare?

    • Mission and Values

    • EditShare History

    • Company Overview Quiz

  • 3

    Solutions Overview ~5 min

    • Solutions Overview

    • EditShare Solutions in Action

  • 4

    Storage Solutions ~15 min

    • EFS & Ark Introduction

    • EditShare Storage Research Tasks

    • EditShare EFS Research

    • EditShare Ark Research

    • EFS vs. Traditional IT Storage

    • Storage Quiz

  • 5

    Media Management Solutions ~19 min

    • Flow Introduction

    • Flow Tour

    • Media Management Research Tasks

    • Media Management Research

    • Flow Architecture Video

    • Flow Quiz

  • 6

    Partner Integration Solutions ~7 Min

    • APIs

    • Partner Integration: Helmut

    • Partner Integration: Imagine Communications

    • Additional EditShare Partners

  • 7

    Industry Solutions ~15 min

    • EditShare Major Industry Verticals

    • Sports

    • Broadcast

    • Production

    • Post Production

    • Production: Customer Example

    • Corporate

    • Education

    • New Media

    • News

    • Advertising and Branding

    • Advertising and Branding: Customer Testimonial

  • 8

    Resources ~6 min

    • Resources - Introduction

    • How to buy

    • Support

    • EditShare News

    • EditShare Events

    • Whitepapers and Other Resources

  • 9

    Certification Quiz ~10 min

    • Certification Quiz

  • 10

    Next Steps ~7 min

    • Congratulations, you are certified!

    • Exit Survey